You can also find my articles on my Semantic Scholar or Google Scholar profile.
Selected Papers- Gemini 1.5: Unlocking multimodal understanding across millions of tokens of context
Gemini Team, Google (I was one of the > 1000 authors)
technical report - Language and Task Arithmetic with Parameter-Efficient Layers for Zero-Shot Summarization
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Jonas Pfeiffer, Joshua Maynez, Xinyi Wang, Sebastian Ruder, Priyanka Agrawal
arXiv 2023 - AdapterSoup: Weight Averaging to Improve Generalization of Pretrained Language Models [slides]
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Matthew E. Peters, Alexander Fraser, Jesse Dodge
EACL 2023 (Findings) - Language-Family Adapters for Low-Resource Multilingual Neural Machine Translation [slides]
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Dario Stojanovski, Alexander Fraser
EACL LoResMT workshop 2023 - Efficient Hierarchical Domain Adaptation for Pretrained Language Models [code] [blog] [slides]
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Matthew E. Peters, Jesse Dodge
NAACL 2022
- Improving the Lexical Ability of Pretrained Language Models for Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation [code]
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Dario Stojanovski, Alexander Fraser
NAACL 2021
- Reusing a Pretrained Language Model on Languages with Limited Corpora for Unsupervised NMT [code] [slides]
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Dario Stojanovski, Alexander Fraser
EMNLP 2020
- An Embarrassingly Simple Approach for Transfer Learning from Pretrained Language Models [code]
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Christos Baziotis, Alexandros Potamianos
NAACL 2019
- Jointly Optimizing Translations and Speech Timing to Improve Isochrony in Automatic Dubbing
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Brian Thompson, Prashant Mathur, Yogesh Virkar, Surafel M. Lakew, Marcello Federico
arxiv preprint - Findings of the IWSLT 2023 Evaluation Campaign
Milind Agarwal, ..., Alexandra Chronopoulou, et al. (50+ authors)
IWSLT 2023 - Mitigating Data Imbalance and Representation Degeneration in Multilingual Machine Translation
Wen Lai, Alexandra Chronopoulou, Alexander Fraser
EMNLP 2023 (Findings) - On the Copying Problem of Unsupervised NMT: A Training Schedule with a Language Discriminator Loss
Yihong Liu, Alexandra Chronopoulou, Hinrich Schutze, Alexander Fraser
IWSLT 2023 - Improving Isochronous Machine Translation with Target Factors and Auxiliary Counters
Proyag Pal, Brian Thompson, Yogesh Virkar, Prashant Mathur, Alexandra Chronopoulou, Marcello Federico
INTERSPEECH 2023 - m4 Adapter: Multilingual Multi-Domain Adaptation for Machine Translation with a Meta-Adapter
Wen Lai, Alexandra Chronopoulou, Alexander Fraser
EMNLP 2022 (Findings) - Domain Adversarial Fine-Tuning as an Effective Regularizer [code]
Giorgos Vernikos, Katerina Margatina, Alexandra Chronopoulou, Ion Androutsopoulos
EMNLP 2020 (Findings) - The LMU Munich System for the WMT 2020 Unsupervised Machine Translation Shared Task [code] [slides] [poster]
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Dario Stojanovski, Viktor Hangya, Alexander Fraser
WMT 2020 - NTUA-SLP at IEST 2018: Ensemble of neural transfer methods for implicit emotion classification [code]
Alexandra Chronopoulou, Katerina Margatina, Christos Baziotis, Alexandros Potamianos
EMNLP WASSA workshop 2018 - NTUA-SLP at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Predicting Affective Content in Tweets with Deep Attentive RNNs and Transfer Learning [code]
Christos Baziotis, Nikos Athanasiou, Alexandra Chronopoulou, Athanasia Kolovou, Georgios Paraskevopoulos, Nikolaos Ellinas, Shrikanth Narayanan, Alexandros Potamianos
NAACL SemEval workshop 2018
- Transfer Learning with Deep Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis and Semantic Modeling [thesis (in Greek)]
Alexandra Chronopoulou
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)